“Every single thing they did and said was with such purpose and intention, and they did an excellent job of calling attention to their practice in real-time.”

Each member of our team is highly-trained as a facilitator, coach, learning designer, and in our arts-based learning methods to best elevate your leaders. We are committed to modeling the very practices of leadership that we train.

We are committed to your growth. We are committed to leaving your people co-creating with shifting context, making  as a way of thinking, and relating as a way of growing ideas and each other.


Aithan Shapira
Lead Transformation + Experience

Erica Joos
Lead Learning + Embodiment

Rachel Hicks
Program Management

Roshi Givechi
Strategy + Storytelling

Pete Strom
Lead Development + Culture

Kim Dabbs
Strategy + Belonging

Cultures of innovation are lived, not performed.

They're about individuals, not installations. They can be cultivated but they can’t be controlled. They are emergent and evolving. They balance liberation with deliberation in the creative pursuit of brilliant and beautiful outcomes that are unbelievably impactful – on business, on society, on the lives we lead.